Twelvetrees Lab

Welcome to the Twelvetrees Lab

The Twelvetrees Lab is based in the Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience. We are fascinated by how the microtubule transport system helps to build and maintain neurons. The machinery of transport works on the nanoscale, but neurons can be a metre long and have to last a lifetime. Break down in this system is linked to neurodegenerative disease. We aim to understand the molecular mechanisms of transport in neurons to create new avenues for translational research.




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Lab life


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Research Images


EB3 comets falling in a dendritic tree.

Individual kinesin molecules walking along immobilised microtubules in vitro.

Dynein-GFP oscillating between developing neurites imaged over 14 hours.

Dynein-GFP (cyan) accumulating in the distal axons labelled with for tau (orange).
