JoinING the Lab

Open funded positions will be advertised here, on the University website and on our social media pages - BUT we’re always happy to hear from enthusiastic, ambitious, hardworking researchers who are interested in bringing their ideas to the lab.

If you are interested in joining the group, email directly to discuss potential projects and funding (a.twelvetrees at



Interested undergraduates who wish to apply for summer studentships should contact me directly with a CV and brief description of your scientific interests and goals. There are a number of potential sources of funding for placements, including through the University of Sheffield SURE scheme and other funding bodies. Deadlines for funding opportunities are frequently quite early in the year, so try to get in contact as soon as possible following the Christmas vacation.

Masters students

The lab submits projects to the Translational Neuroscience MSc and Molecular Medicine MSc courses. Do get in contact if there is another opportunity you want help with inside or outside the University of Sheffield.

Graduate students

Fully funded PhD studentships in the lab will be advertised on this page as they become available. Further details on the funding opportunities available at the university are available here.


Open funded positions will always be advertised on this page when they become available, but we are always happy to hear from talented scientists with diverse research backgrounds who want to bring in their ideas. Our multidisciplinary research means we can provide training for researchers with a strong track record who are motivated to gain experience and develop skills in different areas and techniques. There are several possible sources of funding for post-doctoral research, including but not limited to:

Most funding sources have deadlines up to one year in advance of starting the project. Therefore, if you are interested in joining the group as a post-doc, you should contact us as early as possible to discuss potential projects and funding opportunities.